Thieves’ Tools is a package of two programs, Cheat and Sure Thing, which enable you to do better on games. This is a shareware package. It may be distributed, but only if all of it is kept together. No part of it may be commercially distributed without my written permission. Please send me some money or at least a letter. My postal address is:
Adam Miller
P.O. Box 1156
Yale Station
New Haven, CT 06520
And my E-mail address is:
This document contains an introduction to each program. Complete help can be found online within each program.
Sometimes, a game gets on your nerves. It seems impossible to get a new high score. Don't worry, Cheat is coming to the rescue! With Cheat, you can change your score to any number you so desire. Ever feel like getting a billion points in Mash ‘Em Blast ‘Em & Bomb ‘Em?
Sometimes, changing your score is not exciting enough. You may want to have ten thousand lives, or perhaps raise your Magic User to the eight thousandth level. All this is possible and even easy with Cheat.
To install Cheat, simply copy in into your System with Font/DA Mover. If you’re running System 7, then simply drag it out of the DA file.
Ever feel like a game is really unlucky for you? Sure Thing can help. It actually controls your luck. Make it so the bad guys don’t fire at you. With Sure Thing, you control your luck.
Sure Thing is a cdev/INIT. To install, drag it into your System Folder.
Desktop ICON’s drawn with assistance from Brian Heist.